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Jénilson Martins Da Silva

I am a Game Designer who likes to get his hands dirty in-engine making prototypes or polished systems. I have experience with player abilities, cameras, and other systems for fast-paced character action games in Unreal Engine using visual scripting (blueprints). I am currently working in Godot making an FPS arena shooter

Currently studying at Breda University of Applied Sciences. Looking for an internship for the 1st half of 2025

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Shred Off | Released on Steam

In this 3rd-person action, snowboarding shooter made in Unreal Engine 5.3, the player performs stylish tricks in the Alaskan mountains while gunning down enemies. Shred down the mountain on your snowboard to get a high score while competing against your friends! 

Role: Game Designer

Development Time: 32 weeks 


  • Prototype systems for the game's concept. 

  • Design and implement a Trick system that ties into the combat.

  • Design and develop a scoring system that tracks the player's total score and combo score.

  • Write feature documents that outline the functionality and intended experience.

  • Document the game's direction with frameworks like design pillars & game loops.

  • Presenting the project in front of large audiences during progress updates.

  • Collaborate with outsourced artists for game assets.

  • Lead scrum rituals and other artefacts of production.

Pango | Released on

Pango is a 3D skill-based platformer made in Unreal Engine 5.1 where you play as an android pangolin where you can roll around in levels at high speed & do classic platforming. I worked on character abilities and camera systems using blueprints and project management in this student project.

Role: Game Designer 

Development Time: 8 Weeks 


  • Designed a High-level overview of the 3Cs.

  • Designed and developed Camera Systems to improve character feel.

  • Designed and implemented the Ground Pound mechanic for a more complex moveset.

  • Implement Audio systems.

  • Write & manage a Game Design Overview.

  • Coach the team to follow Scrum processes. 

  • Oversee the QA processes and review the build quality.

  • Make trailers for Marketing.

Crash Bandicoot 3Cs Remake

 Created with a Pre-Production mindset in Unreal Engine 5.1, I reversed engineered the character controller and Camera from the "Crash Bandicoot N'sane trilogy" and developed a demo level for a 3D platformer to prove how simple it is to work with the in-engine features created.

Role: Technical Designer

Development Time: 8 Weeks


  • Implement the full character behaviour using blueprints.

  • Made a "drag & drop" Camera system that is easy to use.

  • Refine metrics and user experience through playtests.

  • Made attack hitboxes that are paired with animations.

  • Create production-ready feature documentation.

  • Documented engine research and approach.

  • Address workflow issues based on developer feedback.

  • Resolve technical problems using research and new engine tech.

  • Implement character animations via IK Retargeting.

Screenshot from Pango, a project found on my itch page.
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